Dr Meng Aw-Yong
Meng has a portfolio career in Emergency and forensic medicine and prehospital care. He is the Medical Director and Forensic Examiner for the Metropolitan Police Service and Medical Director of Forensic Healthcare Services, a senior doctor in Emergency Medicine at Hillingdon Hospital, Medical Advisor for National headquarters St John Ambulance and a specialist Advisor for CQC inspections.
He supports doctors in difficulty through the BMA and GMC and is a fitness to practice assessor in Emergency Medicine. He acts as an expert in Inquests and other medic-legal cases. He works closely with NHS England on several issues notably regulation of HCPs.
He is the current president of the British Academy of Forensic Science and has been a Council member of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine contributing to several best practice guidance, a Past President of FASSGEM and the Clinical Forensic and Legal section of the Royal Society of Medicine.
He has an interest in education with PGCE in medical education, is a Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer QMUL and a Lecturer Institute of Prehospital Care, teaching in Masters in Emergency Medicine and Resuscitation and Forensic Medicine, the Diploma in Forensic Medical Science. He is an examiner for the Membership exam of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. He lectures to medical students, trainees (doctors) and police officers and is a course director in ATLS.
He has been involved in pre-hospital care working at stadia and motor racing (particularly motorbikes (IOOM TT, WSB, Moto GP, BSB - his passion) and was an instructor in Major Incidents (MIMMS).