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David currently works Clinical Director for Mental Health at Sussex NHS Commissionersas and as an air ambulance trustee and as a senior clinical manager within an English ambulance trust. A member of the NHS Clinical Leaders Network Council and South East Coast Clinical Senate Council and Fellow of College of Paramedics and Founding Fellow of Faculty of Clinical Informatics, he brings expertise around digitally-enabled healthcare, informatics, governance and the EOC and NHS 111 environment.
Whilst currently a senior manager at an NHS Ambulance Service, his role on the HPAC council is not linked, and undertaken in a personal professional capacity as a volunteer.
His previous experience includes working as NHS 111 Workforce Development Programme National Clinical Lead & Clinical Informatics Advisor - NHS England: Deputy Lead Governor at South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust; Director of Communications Stroke Lead and Mental Health lead at College of Paramedics, National Clinical Lead for Allied Health Professionals - Health & Social Care Information Centre, National Clinical Lead for Allied Health Professionals UK - Department of Health, Peer Inspector for HM Inspectorate of Constabularies and peer reviewer for the Royal College of Physicians Stroke Peer Review team.